RedDuck is a software development agency with a primary focus on Blockchain and Distributed Systems. Our team consists of developers, analysts and quality assurance engineers, all of which - well-versed in smart-contracts, blockchains and other distributed systems. Working with us you shall never be on this list.
Our Blockchain Academy

RedDuck runs its own unique academy where our top engineers, analysts and founders teach the cybersecurity arts. Every single employee we have, (even recruiters) went through the blockchain development academy. Our goal is to change the mindset, not to embed knowledge.
As a result, the mindset changes of our developers help avoid getting rekt, mathematically by at least the power of eight. This means, that for any error that has a 50% chance to occur, the same error would have a 0.3% chance to occur if developed by us. \(50\%^8 \approx 0.3\%\)
Open - source Contributions
Any serious evaluation of blockchain development teams should include RedDuck in its short list. Reasons:
Our philosophy encourages zero tolerance approach when it comes to security of smart-contracts. For that reason, we apply our own special multi-layered protection architecture. In scenarios, where it's a 50% chance of smart contracts code being vulnerable, our multilayered approach reduce this down to 0.3% of error chance.
Our blockchain school teaches all of our developers about the best scalability patterns and modularity, beginning from running private blockchains and ending with optimal gas-efficiency of smart-contracts. You can expect your project to be not only secure, but also scalable.
We aim at being responsive within 1h, as well as providing realistic deadlines and meeting them. We hire people with a high level of empathy and discipline all over the globe so that there is always somebody to respond to any of your concerns. We respect the deadlines by means of thorough project planning.